Shomrai HaBrit is not responsibe for the links that tripod placed above.. they are highly inappropriate and we have emailed support. We continue to await their reply
The missionaries will say that Isaiah 42:1-4 say "My Servant, I have put My Spirit upon Him" and that this refers to Jesus.
The Reply is that the 4 verses say "This is My servant, whom I uphold, My chosen one, in whom I delight. I have put My spirit upon him, he shall teach the true way to the nations. He shall not cry out or shout aloud, or make his voice heard in the streets. He shall not break even a bruised reed, or snuff out even a dim wick. He shall bring forth the true way. he shall not grow dim or be bruised till he has established the true way on eather; and the coastlands shall await his teaching."
My servant refers to Israel. See Isaiah 41:8, 44:1, 48:20, and 49:3 among others. This is also shown by Isaiah 42:6 "I the L-RD, in My grace, have summoned you, and I have grasped you by the hand. I created you, and appointed you a covenant people, a light of nations" Jesus is not a people, the Jews are. We are also called to be a light unto the nations. This refers to Israel the people, not to Jesus.
The missionaries will say verse 42:6 teaches that the Messiah a light to the gentiles.
The Reply is that the messiah is not a people, Jesus is not "a covenant people". Additionally, Christians don't normally believe Jesus was created or summoned, but this people was, as verse 6 states above.