Shomrai HaBrit is not responsibe for the links that tripod placed above.. they are highly inappropriate and we have emailed support. We continue to await their reply
The missionaries will say that Isaiah 50:6 is fulfilled by Mark 14:65, 15:19, Luke 22:63,64, and John 19:1-3.
The Reply is The verse says "I offered my back to the floggers, and my cheeks to those who tore out my hair. I did not hide my face from insult and spittle." This is out of context and cannot be understood without the context it is in. Read all of chapter 50 in a Jewish translation, not just the one verse the missionaries wish you to read. Notice that the last verse in chapter 49 is talking about G-d as the Mighty One of Jacob, and our Redeemer. We need no one besides the L-RD to redeem us. The first verse in chapter 50 talks about a bill of divorce. Soncino, in refering to this chapter in Isaiah says "Israel need not fear that his exile had created a permenent break in his covenent relationship with G-d. Though he was banished, no bill of divorcement was ever written; and though long oppressed by his enemies, no bill of sale was ever made out. Israel, in expiation for his sins, was only temporarily sold and banished, and G-d will surely redeem him when the appointed time comes." The entire context of the psalm does not fit Jesus. The one being flogged here are the exiles of the Babylonian captivity, who accept the punishment G-d told them would be theirs.