Shomrai HaBrit is not responsibe for the links that tripod placed above.. they are highly inappropriate and we have emailed support. We continue to await their reply
The missionaries will say that Psalm 22 Describes the vents of the crucifiction of Jesus described in detail 1000 years in advance. They will specifically point to verse 1 and compare it to the words Jesus said on the cross as quoted in Matthew 27:46 of the New Testament "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'E loi, E loi, lama sabachthani?' -- which means "My G-d, my G-d, why have you forsaken me?' "
The Reply is Yes, Matt 27:46 does quote Psalm 22 in part,as the Psalm does have the author say "My G-d, my G-d why have you forsaken me?" But if you read the entire Psalm of David, you may also notice that the person in question is asking the L-rd in verses 20-21 to save him from the sword. It is more likely that this Psalm refers to David himself when he was fleeing Saul.
You might also ask yourself, why, if Jesus is G-d as the Chrisitians claim, did he cry out to G-d asking why He had forsaken him. It is simply not logical. Of course, Jesus the man, who is not G-d, could certainly be expected to cry out to G-d when he was being crucified for rebellion to Rome.
The missionaries will say further say that 22:8,9 has the person mocked and taunted and that Jesus was mocked and taunted in Matt27:39-43 and Luke 23:11-35.
The Reply is that many people have been mocked and taunted, this does not refer exclusively to Jesus. In fact, since the Psalm is taking about David, it is more logical to assume that David was being mocked and taunted when fleeing Saul.
The missionaries will say additionally, that verse 22:15-18 refer to the crucifixtion as depicted in Matt 27:31, Mark15:20,25, and John19:15 in the New Testament.
The Reply is that verses 15-18 say (JPS): " My life ebbs away; all my bones are disjointed; my heart is like wax, melting within me; my vigor dries up like a shard; my tongue cleaves to my palate; You commit me to the dust of the earth. Dogs surround me; a pack of evil ones closes in on me, like lions [they maul] my hands and feet. I take the count of all my bones while they look on and gloat." (JPS) Notice that this in no way refers to crucifixion. The Christian missionaries often will show you a mistranslation of this, writing "they peirce my hands and feet" instead of "like lions [they maul] my hands and feet". The Hebrew there is k'ari which means like a lion, not peirced. Additionally, having dogs surround him and also lions makes more sense. Mistranslations prove only that the missionaries trying to convert you are deceptive. David was the one beset here by his enemies, those who allied themselves with Saul, not Jesus. I would also note that this is all present tense, and is not a prophecy of the future.
The missionaries will say that verse 22:19 is a prophecy that people will cast lots for the Messiah's garments and will mention the events in Matt 27:35, Mark 15:24, and John 19:23-24 where it is said that they cast lots over Jesus' garments.
The Reply is that as the rest of this psalm refered to David, it is logical that this also refers to David. The verse says "They divide my cloths among themselves, casting lots for my garments" Notice that verse 8 says that the person whose cloths is being divided takes count of his bones while they look on and gloat. Clearly this is a man who is starving. I suggest a careful reading of the entire psalm from a Jewish translation.